Perry, I remember the day we decided that our life was just a little lonely, and that it was time we add a dog to our little family.
We bounced around several ideas of what kind of dog to get. Eric wanted a hunting dog, and I just wanted a dog I could cuddle with without going into anaphylactic shock. So, we did our best to compromise. We'd get a dog that was part retriever, part poodle. That compromise pretty much guaranteed your dad would be aced out of getting his hunting dog, but he was excited by the potential of adding a family dog to our lives.
Eric spent a few days scouring the internet while I was at work, looking for listings of new litters online. Nothing was quite matching what we were looking for until he happened upon a posting from the Oregonian. A woman in Lebanon, OR had a Golden Retriever and a Goldendoodle, and they recently had a litter.
When I got home from work, Eric eagerly showed me the posting to see what I thought. That's when I first saw your little face, and the faces your brothers and sisters. You were adorably named the "Coffee Crew", and your siblings had names like "Latte", "Java", "Mocha" and "Chai". Your name was Biscotti.
We immediately contacted Suzie, the woman selling the litter, and she told us she would be heading to our area with the four remaining puppies in the litter to show them to another prospective buyer. Without hesitation, we set up a meeting and anxiously awaited meeting our potential puppies.
A few days later, we headed to Clackamas Town Center and found Suzie in the parking lot. There you were in her trunk, just six weeks old, with your sister Cappuccino, and brothers Joe (as in "cup of joe") and Rebel. Rebel was named for his unusually curly hair.
We spent some time holding and playing with each of you. Cappuccino was a little too wound-up. Rebel was a little too distracted. But you and Joe, we clicked with. Both of you melted into our arms when we held you, and licked our faces. We were sold on two puppies. We told Suzie we were definitely interested, paid our deposit, and spent the next two weeks you needed to be with your mom deciding between you and Joe.
If we could've, we would've taken both of you. Unfortunately we didn't have the means to, and knew we had to decide on just one. I called Suzie for advice, and she told me that if we wanted a dog that was attentive, involved and affectionate, we should take "Biscotti". Eric wanted a female dog anyway. So with that, we decided on you. We immediately decided to name you Perry.
We spent the next two weeks eagerly awaiting the day we could pick you up and make you ours! The day finally came, and we headed to Corvallis to meet Suzie's son and pick you up. Before long, you arrived to us just as adorable as before, and much bigger! We spent that whole first day ooh-ing and ahh-ing at your cute puppy face, giggling at your clumsiness, and holding you as you napped.
That whole first year, you spent your entire puppy life growing up in two homes. Eric still lived in Corvallis and was wrapping up his degree at OSU, and I was living in Beaverton working my first job out of college. You stayed with your dad in Corvallis during most weeks, and I would spend weekends with you. Sometimes I would come down to Corvallis, but usually your dad would drive up to Beaverton. He spent a lot of time driving and making sure the three of us were together as much as possible. During the times he had army trainings, you would stay with me and be in your crate while I was at work. I was so nervous you would hate it, but you did really well. Despite growing up in two homes with two very different routines and environments, you became a very well-mannered puppy.
On the weeks that you would stay in my apartment while I worked, Your granddogmom was a huge help. She would come over on most days to make sure you had some time to get out and have some fresh air. Did you know that she didn't even really like dogs that much before you? Did you know you completely changed her mind? Did you know that your companionship and love brightened some of her hardest days? You completely turned her world upside-down. Now, she spoils you more than anyone she loves, and that's saying quite a lot.
Now, you're two. You've accomplished a lot and have really become a good dog in these past two years. You have lived in three homes, and you're about to move to your fourth. You have become an excellent swimmer. You know how to sit, lay down, high five, shake, roll over, and stay. You never bark just to bark; only when you think someone may deeply hurt the ones you love, like when someone knocks on the door. I know how much that disturbs you. You still jump up on people that you're excited to see. I know it's hard to contain your love, but we'll work on it some more. You're the only dog I know that will actually drop a slice of pizza when told to "drop it". You're a good girl.
Your favorite food is carrots. You also like anything you can get when we accidentally drop food from the table. You love ice cubes and laying in your pool. You love the beach. You love to nap and lay on the couch with me and your dad when it's quiet time. You cuddle with us at night before we fall asleep, and come back up for more cuddles when you can tell we're waking up. You never rush us to wake up, but are very happy when we do. I can tell that you miss your dad while he's gone. Whenever he leaves, you need more cuddles and affection because you're sad, but hearing his voice over Skype makes you happy.
Vets, groomers, and day care owners always make a point to tell me how much they love you. You have such a sweet demeanor and loving presence. You make us humans feel warm, safe, and comforted. You know, when you're a little older and more calm, I think you'd make a great therapy dog. It's something we'll work towards.
Perry, you are so loved. You're loved by everyone you meet. In these past two years, you have given us so much happiness that we would never take back for the world. You're a true companion, and are the living example of your kind's reputation of "man's best friend". We are so thankful for the years we've had, and the years to come. Happy birthday, sweet girl.
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